Eradicate Hunger and enhance Food Sustainability – By providing free hot meals to vulnerable school going children and also by setting up kitchen gardens and vertical farming.
Education – High school and college scholarships, free school uniforms, reading & writing material, school bags etc for all school going children.
Educational Tours – Animal orphanages, museum, geothermal etc
Computer Skills – The children have an opportunity to learn computer skills since we have a well equipped computer lab.
Library Services – We offer the kids educational books, story books, life skills and motivational books to read and also do their homework as we wait to set up a Community library.
Sports – We support the children in learning new sports eg. Chase, handball etc as well as supporting their talents in sports.
Free Mentorships – We carry out mentorship sections to the children and even in schools around just to make sure the children achieve their dreams in life and also make them know that they can change their story. The mentorship are something the children look forward to due to the motivational videos and team building activities used to make sure the kids enjoy at every point.
Good Health – We organize free medical camps quarterly.
Sanitary Towels – We assist the girl child with sanitary towels every month. We also share the towels with public schools around and venerable women in the community.
Rehabilitation – We rehabilitee teens that have been addicted to alcohol and drugs by taking them through counseling and also admitting them in rehabilitation centre’s.
Empowerment – We offer teens that dropped out of school skills e.g. welding, mechanic, carpenter and hair salon.